Q1 2011 - Welcome back fans! We have ALOT to go over since our post last year. I know the updates here seem VERY infrequent however I now have enough people in place to dedicate more time on community management. Let's get things started!
Forever Interactive has partnered with Idea Fabrik, a German based MMO company, who recently bought out Simutronics and it's Hero Engine technology. This business deal means we now have a clear line to launch VoZ and Infernal World to the public. They offer hosting services and billing services along with it's Hero Blade Engine. This all in one package streamlines our MMO pipelines from conception to market. Not only that it speeds up our development times by use of it's agile cloud based engine allowing us to collaborate in real time across the globe. We look forward to this partnership as the MMO industry is poised to reach 12 billion dollars in revenue by 2015. Forever Interactive has also partnered with indie tool developers, SILO and Daz 3D, to use it's modeling and animation software in developing our games. Both companies are dedicated to fostering partnerships within the indie game development community.
Visions of Zosimos is currently in the process of transferring from Torque 3D to Hero Blade. This transition will take a couple months however it's longevity will be even more secure. We have streamlined the design to make the game more accessible to all. We are updating all our assets to show the true power of Hero. I think you will be pleased with the upgrades we are making. Our plans allow for a more social gaming environment and experience while staying true to our core mechanics. We plan on releasing the game in an Open Alpha state just after Q1 this year. This allow you, the fans, to help grow VoZ to where it needs to be over the years to come. Stay Tuned!!
Battle Gnomes is an action adventure puzzle game using the Unity 3D Engine. It's almost to a gold state in it's development cycle. We plan on entering our demo world to the Kongregate site by February 15th and releasing the full game to the Apple and Droid markets soon thereafter. If we do well on those platforms we will be looking to hit the DLC market after that.
Community Management now has a full member! Mike Anderson, Dark Trilarian, is our direct link to you the fans. He will be active across all forums and ensuring your greatest feedback on all our titles will make it into our builds. Our fans and our members are our greatest assets and we want both to be at the forefront of our titles. Please go to our main site news page and become fans of our facebook and twitter pages. Lend your voices and we will have fun making great games together!!!