Well I took a small break from updating the site to get our Design Team started on mapping out our story line for "Infernal World". After some solid research regarding writing for games I believe I have a much firmer grasp on how to attack it. We always had a rough outline of the story line just nothing concrete. I wish we had done this sooner as we may of bypassed some of the initial design problems we have encountered. Now that the templates are in place I am returning to the website and should be have it finished by the end of the month. Also, our new IRC channel is in place on our new SERVER! We finally have an integrated chat system for all our members. We will have Multiverse up by months end and soon our first demo world. Everyone on the Team is extremely excited. Stay posted! I am currently finishing up recruiting our final spots for 3D Environment and Character Modelers. After that we will be a full 40 person Team. All in all, September will be a VERY busy month and we look forward to every minute of it. See you then! ^^
Monday, August 20, 2007
Well I took a small break from updating the site to get our Design Team started on mapping out our story line for "Infernal World". After some solid research regarding writing for games I believe I have a much firmer grasp on how to attack it. We always had a rough outline of the story line just nothing concrete. I wish we had done this sooner as we may of bypassed some of the initial design problems we have encountered. Now that the templates are in place I am returning to the website and should be have it finished by the end of the month. Also, our new IRC channel is in place on our new SERVER! We finally have an integrated chat system for all our members. We will have Multiverse up by months end and soon our first demo world. Everyone on the Team is extremely excited. Stay posted! I am currently finishing up recruiting our final spots for 3D Environment and Character Modelers. After that we will be a full 40 person Team. All in all, September will be a VERY busy month and we look forward to every minute of it. See you then! ^^
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